Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Icky Sicky Kids

What a crazy month we have had here. A few weeks ago Ella was struggling with a cold. Then two weeks ago she climbed on Kelly's lap and just wasn't feeling good. We took her temperature and she was at 104 and was having trouble breathing. I rushed her to the insta care where they told me they thought she had pnemonia but their x-ray machine was down so I needed to take her to a different insta care. So I loaded her in the car and drove through the horrible snow and icy roads to get her to another insta care. On my way there I called Kelly to tell him what was going on and I can hear Abby screaming in the background and Kelly informs me that Abby was playing around and pretending to do karate and fell on her wrist and it may be broken. Well to make a long story short Ella did have pneumonia and RSV and something called Metapneumo virus, we made 9 trips to the doctors that week to check oxygen levels and breathing and we spent one night at Primary Childrens hospital for observation, but now she is doing great and back to her normal happy little self. and Abby did break her wrist which is now cast in a beautiful light blue cast covered in the names of her friends. I am planning to post some pictures of her cute little arm as soon as I can. All I can say is thankgoodness for modern medicine!


Harada's said...

Hey Jen!
Its me kimmie walser (now harada)
I saw on facebook that you have a blog =)Yay for blogging! Now I can blog staulk you =)
You have such a cute family!
What a crappy month you have had, I hope you all are doing much better.
Take care and keep in touch =)

James and Bethany said...

I am so glad that everyone is doing better now. When does Abby's cast come off? You guys still planning on coming out right? Love you all

Lisa and Cody said...

Hi Johnson Fam,

We are so glad to hear that everyone is doing better. We love you!!

Windy said...

I am so glad Ella is back to her same old self again. It was so sad seeing her so sick. Thank goodness for modern medicine for sure!!

busymama said...

I had no idea you had all that going on when Abby broke her arm! When it rains it pours! Glad to hear she is on the mend!